On-Demand Parts

Access to over 4 million parts from 6,000 suppliers.

6X Improvement in product quality

Average efficiency increase of 95%

10-30% first year cost reduction

Increase standardization and control costs

Streamline vendor management and consolidate spend

Make data-driven decisions

mayo clinic
Kaiser Permanente

Improve Quality

Make evidence-based product selection decisions

Our commitment to quality is reflected in our quality return rates, which remain consistently below the industry standard. PartsSource PRECISION Procurement® helps you improve equipment uptime with instant access to quality parts, service, and equipment. Partner with an ISO 9001:2015 certified company that operates in accordance with the highest quality standards to ensure customer satisfaction.


Increase Efficency

Streamline your procurement processes

Maximize operational performance by automating and modernizing operations with seamless CMMS, EDI and ERP integrations. Increase supply chain reliability and locate the parts you need with our dedicated sourcing teams and guaranteed stock. Achieve your goals with our active account management team to monitor performance and drive optimization.


Control Costs

Leverage the purchasing power of 3,500+ hospitals

Receive at cost pricing for all biomedical and imaging parts, services, and minor equipment. Make data-driven decisions and optimize spend with visual analytics reporting. Capture savings and increase compliance to achieve your goals with advanced formulary controls.


Intermountain Healthcare — Supply chain standardization

Marshfield Clinic — A data-driven solution to streamline the HTM procurement process

OhioHealth — Ensuring supply chain quality to keep patients safe

Go beyond parts with PartsSource

Instant access to quality minor equipment at budget-friendly prices

Shop Minor Equipment